Tag Archives: trust disputes

Estate Litigation

Estate Litigation

Toronto based Kenneth D. Goldstein understands that court proceedings or end-of-life decisions can be very challenging and he is here to help you through these difficult times.

Disputes often arise involving the estate of a person, sometimes even before the person has passed away. When disputes occur, we represent heirs, beneficiaries, estate representatives and trustees (both individual and corporate) to assist in resolving those disputes and to bring or defend claims in court if necessary.

Before death a person may become unable to make personal or financial decisions without assistance. We help family members and others obtain the appointment of a representative for such persons to ensure they are properly taken care of and assisted during their later years and the integrity of their estate is maintained.

After death, the task is to ensure that the deceased’s estate is properly accounted for and distributed according to law. The most important document is the deceased’s will (and any other estate planning document prepared prior to death).

Kenneth D. Goldstein meets directly with his clients and works with them throughout the entire case at very competitive rates.

Contact: Kenneth D. Goldstein
416 292.0414