At Goldstein and Grubner, we specialize in helping businesses of all sizes and industries incorporate and operate successfully in the Canadian market.

Incorporating your business can offer many benefits, including limited liability protection, tax advantages, and the ability to raise capital. Our experienced lawyers can assist you with all aspects of the incorporation process, including:

  • Choosing the appropriate business structure, such as a federal or provincial corporation, a non-profit corporation, or a professional corporation.
  • Drafting and filing the necessary documents with the relevant government authorities.
  • Ensuring compliance with all legal requirements, including corporate governance, record-keeping, and reporting obligations.


Partnerships are another common business structure, particularly for small businesses and professional services firms. Our lawyers can advise you on the advantages and disadvantages of partnerships, including tax implications, liability issues, and management structures. We can also help you draft partnership agreements that clearly define each partner’s rights, responsibilities, and obligations.

Other Business Structures

There are many other structures that businesses can use to own and operate their operations in Ontario, Canada. Our lawyers can advise you on the most appropriate structure for your business, based on your goals, industry, and other factors. These may include sole proprietorships, joint ventures, trusts, and cooperatives.

Professional Corporations

Professional Corporations typically have additional requirements as determined by their professional regulatory body. This may include a prohibition against persons owning shares who are not part of the profession or related to someone who practices the profession. The Corporation may also be restricted in the types of activities it can conduct. It’s important the articles of incorporated are drafted to comply with the regulatory requirements in effect, failing which the Corporation may not qualify for the necessary approvals to permit you to practice through your corporation. Our lawyers have experience incorporating doctors, dentists, pharmacists, lawyers among others.

Contact Us Today

If you are considering incorporating your business, or need legal advice on any other business structure, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve your business goals in Ontario, Canada.

Why Choose Us?

At Goldstein and Grubner we understand the legal complexities and challenges that businesses face when operating in Ontario, Canada. Our team of experienced lawyers has a deep understanding of Canadian corporate law, as well as the local business landscape. We pride ourselves on providing practical, customized solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients.

Connect With Our Business Lawyers

Please reach out to Adam Dwek or Marsha Rampersad

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100 Cowdray Court, Suite 100
Toronto, ON M1S 5C8